We are really pleased to work with UK Coaching to create a brand-new online module as part of their online learning programme in safeguarding adults.
The new module is designed for coaches and anyone who interacts with adults in sport and physical activity, such as gym instructors and activity leaders
UK Coaching offers two versions of their course to choose from: The introduction module, and a choice between professional boundaries or adults with care and support needs modules.
“It’s been great to work in partnership with UK Coaching to review, update and re-develop this excellent learning resource for coaches and physical activity leaders. Coaches play a vital role in keeping participants and athletes safe from abuse and harm. It’s therefore important that they understand their responsibilities in safeguarding adults and feel confident to recognise, respond and report safeguarding concerns.” Joanne Pell, Safeguarding in Sport Manager.
Safeguarding Adults is everyone’s responsibility. By completing this course, we hope that it helps to increase your knowledge, understanding and confidence in safeguarding adults and supports you in creating a safe and inclusive environment for all adults.
Learn More about the UK Coaching Course