We run short online or in-person participation group workshops for sport and activity clubs and organisations.
It’s an opportunity for sport participants to talk openly about how it feels to take part in their sport. We invite them to explore what they enjoy, while also thinking about how effectively their club or group champions their health and wellbeing.
These informal discussions could help improve communication among sport participants. They may also provide some insights into how we can make sport and activity more welcoming for everyone.
What Are The Aims of Our Sport Participation Groups?
Our Sport Participation groups are helping us to understand:
- What does it mean to feel “safe” in sport and activity?
- What does “good practice” in sport and activity look like?
- And what does “poor practice” look like?
- How can we work towards improving wellbeing in sport and activity?
- How can we ensure everyone understands and abides by our safeguarding policies and procedures?
- How can we help participants feel safe and supported in speaking up about concerns?
- What sort of leadership can help people feel safe, welcome, and included in sport and activity?
How Can You Help?
As an Active Partnership, you’re in a unique position to bridge the gap between safeguarding specialists, and those that actually need safeguarding: Sport participants, and the staff, coaches, and volunteers who make their sport possible.
We’re asking you to reach out to your contacts in the clubs and groups in your sport. Let them know about our Participation Group, and we can organise a workshop on their terms.
How to Help Us Promote Our Participation Groups
Download our free resources
These will help you promote the workshops, and to answer any questions that might arise. Click on the images below to access and download full size versions.
For more information about what to expect from a Sport Participation workshop, listen to this podcast we recorded. In this recording, three of our safeguarding in sport specialists reflect on why we’re running these workshops, and on what we’ve learned from some of our early discussions.
You can also read this report of our preliminary findings from these Sport Participation forums.
Finally, read this introduction to our Voice of the Participant project, and find out how talking to your participants can help you make your sport more welcoming for everyone.
Signpost to Our Website
We’ve created a page on our site that explains what we’re doing, and why we’re doing it.
This page also provides a means for people to get in touch to arrange a workshop for their club or organisation.
Get In Touch
If you’ve got any questions about our Sport Participation groups, or you want to know how you can help, we’ll be happy to help.