Safeguarding Adults Week 2024 took place from Monday 18 to Friday 22 November.
Every year, Safeguarding Adults Week provides a time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues.
The core theme for the 2024 week was Working in Partnership. Effective partnerships allow us to share our knowledge of safeguarding, learn from others and ultimately create safer cultures.
You can read a summary of the week’s activity here.
We ran a number of free online sessions throughout the week, including our Safeguarding Adults Conference in Nottingham.
We recorded as many of these sessions as we could. Below you can access short summaries of these sessions, including a number of the talks from our Safeguarding Adults Conference. Where possible, you can watch recordings of the sessions, and download the slides from the presentations.
Safeguarding Adults Week Online Sessions
- Understanding County Lines
- Mental Health and Wellbeing in Sport, with Sport Wales
- Understanding Professional Boundaries
- Sense – Understanding Consent and Choice (Including The Ann Craft Trust AGM)
Safeguarding Adults Conference Sessions
- Safe Lives, Good Lives – Learning Disability England (Keynote Speech)
- Gang Awareness – Know The Signs – Catch 22
- Safeguarding in Faith Groups – Revd Dr Tom Wilson
- Harmful Behaviour In and Outside of the Workplace – DBS
- Camphill Village Trust & The Voice of Lived Experience
- Exploitation of Adults with Cognitive Impairment in England
- Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity – Why Partnership Working is Essential in Preventing Abuse and Harm
What Would You Like Us To Focus On During Safeguarding Adults Week 2025?
Safeguarding Adults Week 2025 will run 17 – 21 November.
Every year during Safeguarding Adults Week, we focus on a different safeguarding theme each day.
Please let us know what sort of themes you’d like us to cover for next year’s event through completing our short survey. This will also inform the speakers and the sessions we arrange for our annual Safeguarding Adults Conference, which will take place on Wednesday 19 November 2025.
Take Our Safeguarding Adults Week 2025 Survey