Why Your Organisation Needs a Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures

Safeguarding adults policy and procedures set out the best practice framework for your organisation to respond to safeguarding concerns.

The Care Act 2014 put the safeguarding of adults on a statutory footing. If your organisation has regular contact with the public, you have a crucial role to play in the support, identification and reporting of adults who may be at risk of harm.

Your organisation has a duty of care that includes safeguarding for children and people in a vulnerable situation. Individuals across your organisation need to be informed enough to ensure that complaints and concerns about adults at risk are properly identified and acted upon.

You must actively work to prevent abuse from occurring within your organisation, and you must be prepared to respond proportionately if abuse or neglect has occurred.

Organisations that fail to do this risk failing to meet their duty of care, which at worst could leave adults at risk vulnerable to harm.

How Can Safeguarding Adults Policies and Procedures Help?

A safeguarding adults policy and procedures document sets out the best practice framework for your organisation to respond to safeguarding concerns. At the same time, it promotes the importance of safeguarding adults throughout the whole organisation.

Organisations that demonstrate best practice in adult safeguarding commit to ensure safe access for everyone. As a result, policies and procedures have a dual role:

  • Safeguarding of people when they are visiting your premises or using your services
  • Responding to any signs of abuse that may indicate that abuse is occurring outside of your organisation.

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Safeguarding Audits

We have over 25 years experience safeguarding adults across all types of organisations. Our independent audits review your current policies, practices, training and investigations to give you recommendations and advice on how to improve safeguarding in your organisation.

Safeguarding Audits