Safeguarding Adults in Sport in Wales Hub

We have collected the following to help individuals and organisations in Wales to safeguard adults.

Key Differences Between Safeguarding in England and Wales

The first thing to remember about safeguarding in England and Wales is that it is different.

So if you are working across into Wales from England or into England from Wales, try not to make assumptions. Think, read, and ask. Anyone who works with adults who live or spend any of their time in Wales as well as anyone who runs services located in Wales or near the border needs to understand the key differences between safeguarding in England and Wales.

Differences Between Safeguarding in England and Wales

Find Your Local Authority in Wales

We’ve gathered together the details of Local Authorities and Safeguarding Boards in Wales.

Find your Safeguarding Board

Safeguarding Week in Wales

13th to 17th November 2023

Safeguarding Boards in Wales are hosting a Safeguarding Week from Monday 13th to Friday 17th November 2023. This week will raise awareness of safeguarding adults and children. The theme for Safeguarding Week in Wales 2023, is exploitation.

We have collected resources and information related to the theme of exploitation to support this year’s Safeguarding Week in Wales.

Find out more about Safeguarding Week in Wales 2023

\How to Support Safeguarding Week in Wales 2023

Lead Officer Safeguarding Forums

See our past and up-coming Lead Officer Safeguarding Forums:

10th October 2023 – CPSU & the Ann Craft Trust (Led by the CPSU )

This forum as held face-to-face in Sophia Gardens, with an online presence from those who were attending remotely. We talked about key themes and subjects for future Lead Officer Safeguarding Forums, the importance of good communication at all levels in Sport, the CPSU and Ann Craft Trust Framework and roles within sport.  Being face to face for the first time in a long time, it was great to get together and enjoy sharing thoughts and experiences.

14th November 2023 – CPSU & Ann Craft Trust (Led by the Ann Craft Trust)

Andrea Cooper, Older People’s Commissioner for Wales, will be presenting an awareness session on Elder Abuse. Sharing her wealth of experience on the issues faced by elderly individuals and how we in Sport can contribute to safeguarding them. The CPSU will also be present to provide all updates regarding safeguarding children.

The Forum begins at 10:30am, you are welcome to join us:

Join the Lead Officer Safeguarding Forum (Zoom)

Safeguarding Adults in Sport in Wales Training Events

Essentials Training

This training covers the essentials for safeguarding adults in sport and activity clubs for Club Welfare/Safeguarding Officers in Wales.

Essentials Training: 21st November 2023 Essentials Training: 13th December 2023

Advanced Training

This online course covers Safeguarding Adults for Lead Safeguarding Officers/Deputies in National Governing Bodies (NGBs) in Wales. It is also relevant for National Lead/Deputy Safeguarding Officers in other sport and activity organisations.

Advanced Training: 7th to 15th November (Fully Booked)

Safeguarding Resources from the Welsh Government

We’ve collected the following resources from the Welsh Government, designed to help safeguard people in Wales.

Working Together to Safeguard People: Code of Safeguarding Practice

The Welsh Government’s Code of Safeguarding Practice sets out Welsh Government expectations in relation to safeguarding arrangements and expectations for individuals, groups and organisations offering activities or services.

Working Together to Safeguard People (

Information Sharing to Safeguard People

The Welsh Government’s guidance on information sharing, designed to help you understand how and when to share information relating to safeguarding.

Information Sharing to Safeguard People ( PDF)

Domestic Abuse: Safeguarding Older People In Wales

Guidance from the Welsh Government and the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales which provides front-line professionals with user-friendly guidance on how to recognise, respond and provide support to disclosures of domestic abuse experienced by older people.

Safeguarding Older People in Wales ( PDF)

We also spoke to Andrea Cooper, the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales about her work and how community interactions play a crucial role in helping to support older people experiencing abuse.

Community interactions play a crucial role in helping to support older people experiencing abuse (By Andrea Cooper)


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Safeguarding Adults in Wales Online Course

We have a range of safeguarding adults eLearning courses to help you learn more about safeguarding adults and learn how to recognise the signs of abuse, including our Safeguarding Adults in Wales introductory course. Ideal for those who live or work in Wales with adults or where adults are present.

Safeguarding Adults in Wales eLearning Courses