DBS Links and Resources

Essential Guidance From DBS

These videos and resources come from official DBS channels, so should address many of the questions you might have about DBS checks.

How DBS Works to Safeguard the Public (Video)

Short video that explains how DBS works to safeguard the public.

Watch Here

Guide to DBS Checks (Animation)

Animation aimed at organisation and customers with basic information about DBS products and processes.

Watch Here

Guide to DBS Checks (Leaflet)

A leaflet that accompanies the Guide to DBS checks video, giving information about DBS products and processes.

Download Here

The DBS Check Process (Video)

A video explaining the process for a standard and enhanced DBS check. The video includes a brief summary of the DBS’s work and then focuses on how they produce standard and enhanced certificates. It also explains and the various stages each application has to go through.

Watch Here

Disclosure and Barring Service: The Update Service From an Employer’s Perspective (Video)

Various employers share first-hand accounts of how the Update Service and free online Status Checks could benefit organisations.

Watch Here

How To Make a Good Quality Barring Referral (Video)

A video showing what information the DBS needs as part of a barring referral, and why this is important.

Watch Here

At What Point Should I Make a Barring Referral? (Video)

Video for organisations to give information at what point in time should a referral be made.

Watch Here

DBS Checks in Sport – Working with Children (Leaflet)

Available in English and Welsh, this leaflet looks at the eligibility of a range of roles across the sporting sector based on generic descriptions of the roles and their responsibilities. This guidance would apply whether the applicants are in paid or unpaid work.

Download Here (English) Download Here (Welsh)

DBS Checks in Sport – Working with Adults 

This guidance looks at the eligibility of a range of roles across the sporting sector based on generic descriptions of the roles and their responsibilities. This guidance would apply whether the applicants are in paid or unpaid work.

Access Here

Working with Children in the Charity Sector (Leaflet)

Available in English and Welsh, this leaflet provides information on criminal record checks in England, Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. It give examples of eligibility for different types of roles for charities and voluntary groups.

Download Here (English) Download Here (Welsh)

DBS checks for Working with Children In Places of Worship (Leaflet)

This leaflet explains eligibility for Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks within various faith groups. This guidance applies whether the individuals are paid or unpaid.

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Regulated Activity with Adults in England (Leaflet)

Leaflet explaining what is regulated activity with adults, the eligibility for enhanced with adult’s barred list check in England, and the legal duty to refer.

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Regulated Activity with Adults in Wales (Leaflet)

Available in English and Welsh, this leaflet explains what is regulated activity with adults, the eligibility for enhanced with adult’s barred list check in Wales, and the legal duty to refer.

Download Here (English) Download Here (Welsh)

Regulated Activity with Children in England (Leaflet)

Leaflet explaining what is regulated activity with children, the eligibility for enhanced with children’s barred list check in England, and the legal duty to refer.

Download Here

Regulated Activity with Children in Wales (Leaflet)

Available in English and Welsh, this leaflet explains what is regulated activity with children, the eligibility for enhanced with children’s barred list check in Wales, and the legal duty to refer.

Download Here (English) Download Here (Welsh)

Barring Referrals – Your Guide on How and When to Make One (Leaflet)

Available in English and Welsh, this leaflet explains when you should make a referral to DBS, and how to make such a referral.

Download Here (English) Download Here (Welsh)

Basic DBS Check: Guidance (Online Resource)

Online guidance explaining what a basic DBS check is and how to apply for one.

Access Here

Find Out Which DBS Check is Right For Your Employee (Online Resource)

An online guide which asks a series of questions to help decide what level of check you can request.

Access Here

A Guide to Eligibility For Standard Certificates for Registered Bodies and Employers (Resource)

Guidance about what roles are eligible for standard levels of checks.

Download Here

Making Barring Referrals to DBS (Online Resource)

Online guidance about making referrals, including the legal duty to refer, and how to make referrals.

Access Here

DBS Update Service (Resource)

The DBS Update Service allows applicants to keep their DBS certificates up to date and employers to check a DBS certificate.

Register Here