Resources from Parents Protect
Parents Protect work to prevent child sexual abuse. They have created an online child sexual abuse and exploitation awareness learning programme for parents, carers and professionals. The programme aims to raise awareness about how parents and professionals can recognise the signs of abuse and where to go for help if they have concerns about sexual abuse.
The course is made up of twelve modules that can be accessed online for free.
See the Parents Protect free online courseResources from the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse
Anna Glinski from the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse, has gathered two lists of resources and contacts – one to help survivors of sexual abuse, one to help parents. Anna grouped the resources in a number of categories. They include preventing sexual abuse, online safety, national organisations, and self-help links.
Resources for Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Put together by Anna Glinski, Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse (February 2020).
National Organisations
www.thesurvivorstrust.org – The Survivor’s Trust are a national umbrella agency for over 135 specialist rape. Sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse organisations through the UK and Ireland.
www.napac.org.uk – The National Association for People Abused in Childhood – a website and free helpline for survivors of sexual abuse. We have very few services (locally and nationally) for survivors of sexual abuse, so this is an useful resource for you to pass to service users so they have someone to talk to about their experiences.
www.oneinfour.org.uk/for-survivors/ – Support survivors with counselling, groups, advocacy, and about resources and practical exercises for support.
www.survivorsuk.org – website for male survivors of sexual abuse and assault.
https://1in6.org/ – website for male survivors of sexual abuse.
www.rapecrisis.org.uk – Rape Crisis helpline – 0808 802 9999 – National organisation offering support and counselling for those affected by rape and sexual abuse. See website for local groups or contact directory enquiries.
www.ninaburrowes.com – Nina Burrowes is a psychologist working in the field of sexual abuse. She has publications and a series of Youtube videos about sexual abuse – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdk44BCpmDaG6MoytwogFpQ/videos?app=desktop
Associated Difficulties
www.mind.org.uk – Provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
www.dentalfearcentral.org – Information and guidance for people who have a fear of dentists.
http://www.mybodybackproject.com/services-for-women/mbb-clinics/ – Run clinics especially for women and trans men who have experienced sexual violence, where women who have experienced sexual assault are able to access cervical screening, STI checks, and coil fittings and removals.
https://www.jostrust.org.uk/information/cervical-screening/cervical-screening-after-sexual-violence – Advice for women regarding smear tests after sexual abuse or violence.
www.firstpersonplural.org.uk – Dissociative identity disorders association. A membership association open to dissociative survivors, their friends, family and professional allies.
Self Help
https://survivorsnetwork.org.uk/resource/survivors-self-help-guide/ – an excellent self help guide for survivors of sexual abuse.
https://livingwell.org.au/ – An Australian website for men who have been sexually abused – information and support to enhance wellbeing, better manage difficulties and build healthy relationships.
https://napac.org.uk/project/untangling-the-web-of-confusion/ – podcast or pdf for survivors of sexual abuse
https://www.ualberta.ca/current-students/sexual-assault-centre/-/media/b0b9b41c178e4e61b22cf41a837fe870.ashx – Sexual intimacy after sexual assault.
https://survivorsvoices.org/ – Survivors Voices is a national peer-led organisation run by and for adult survivors of abuse and inter-personal trauma and those who support them.
Resources for Parents
Put together by Anna Glinski, Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse (February 2020).
Preventing Sexual Abuse
www.parentsprotect.co.uk – This is an information and resources website, part of the Lucy Faithful Foundation, which aims to raise awareness about child sexual abuse, answer questions and give adults the information, advice, support and facts, they need to help protect children. It includes an online learning programme about child sexual abuse for parents. It also has links to lots of different resources.
www.stopitnow.org.uk – Stop it Now! UK and Ireland is a child sexual abuse prevention campaign, also part of the Lucy Faithfull Foundation above. They support adults to play their part in prevention through providing sound information, educating members of the public, training those who work with children and families and running a freephone confidential helpline. People who are worried about their own, or someone else’s sexual behaviour can call this helpline too.
www.theupstreamproject.org.uk/ – Upstream is an online resource for everyone (not necessarily living in Scotland) – you may be a professional looking for advice or a member of the public who is uneasy about how an adult behaves around children; someone that works directly with children; or a parent who wants to protect your children on line. It will give you the tools and support to enable you to prevent child sexual abuse. You can learn about, identify, prevent and act upon child sexual abuse.
http://keepkidssafe.org/talk-about-sexual-abuse-safety/ – Advice for talking to your children about sexual abuse safety.
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/support-for-parents/underwear-rule/ – the ‘Pants Rule’ – advice and video to teach children about private parts and what to do if someone breaks the ‘pants rule’.
https://www.parentsprotect.co.uk/books-to-share-with-children.htm – books to share with children of different ages. Using some of these books can help you start some really important conversations with your children. However, before you read them with your child read them through yourself first, so that you can judge if the information is appropriate for your child and so you are familiar with the story. Finally, see these stories as a springboard to further conversation, discussion and continued teaching and learning.
Online Safety
https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk – website offering advice to children, young people, parents/carers and professionals about keeping children safe from harm on the internet and through other technology. Useful links for children and young people according to age range.
www.internetmatters.org -An internet portal which aims to direct parents and carers to credible information on how to keep children safe online.
https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/ – This is a partnership of 3 leading organisations: Childnet International, Internet Watch Foundation and SWGfL, to promote the safe and responsible use of technology for young people. The centre has 3 main functions: (1) to provide advice and support to children and young people, parents and carers, schools and the children’s workforce; (2) Helpline: to provide support to professionals working with children and young people with online safety issues, and (3) an anonymous and safe place to report and remove child sexual abuse imagery and videos, wherever they are found in the world.
https://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers – a website offering information and advice about keeping your children safe on line.
www.thatsnotcool.com – This website has been created to help young people and their parents understand how mobile phones, instant messaging and online profiles are all digital extensions of who we are. It aims to provide young people with information the tools to help people think about what is, or is not okay in their digital relationships and the tools to resist peer pressure.
www.google.co.uk/familysafety – Provides parents and teachers with practical tools to help them choose what content their children see online. Look out for the video tips on how to set up safe searching on Google and YouTube.
Advice for Parents of Children with Special Needs
www.cerebra.org.uk – Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety: A Parent’s Guide This guide has been produced by Cerebra for children with special needs.
www.paceuk.info – Parent’s against Child Sexual Exploitation UK. Pace offers one-to-one telephone support, national and local meet-ups with other affected parents and information on how parents can work in partnership with police and social care. They have an online forum and an advice centre and they accept referrals from professionals as well as parents themselves.
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