Safeguarding Adults Week 2022 will focus on the theme ‘Responding to Contemporary Safeguarding Challenges’.
Safeguarding Adults Week is a time for organisations to come together to raise awareness of important safeguarding issues. We hope the week will enable more organisations and individuals to feel confident in recognising signs of abuse and neglect and recording and reporting safeguarding concerns.
To achieve this, each day of the week we will focus on a different safeguarding theme to explore how we can respond to contemporary safeguarding challenges.
Safeguarding Adults Week – Themes for 2022
- Monday – Exploitation and County Lines
- Tuesday – Self-neglect
- Wednesday – Creating Safer Organisational Cultures
- Thursday – Elder Abuse
- Friday – Domestic Abuse in Tech-Society
- Saturday & Sunday – Safeguarding in Everyday Life
Learn more about our themes for the week!
How Can You Get Involved?
In 2021, your support helped us to reach almost 80 million people on social media. So we’d like to say a massive THANK YOU to anyone who took part.
You can learn more about the themes for the week and sign-up to show your support. We will then send you resources, social media assets and information about our training events that will be taking pace throughout the week!
For ideas about how you can support the week in 2022, explore our blog about how organisations supported the week in 2021!