Booking for this event is now closed. If you are interested in attending, please email us at ann-craft-trust@nottingham.ac.uk
As part of Safeguarding Adults Week 2022, we are delighted to host our annual Safeguarding Adults Conference, Acting Against Adult Exploitation. This year, this will be followed by our thirtieth anniversary dinner!
In 2021 we collaborated with Small Steps and Operation Repeat to raise awareness of grooming and exploitation from the far-right and people involved in doorstop crime. This event was a huge success and delegates informed us that they were keen to learn more about other forms of exploitation that adults could be subjected to.
In response to this feedback, as part of our 30th anniversary event, the Ann Craft Trust will be bringing you a unique training opportunity which seeks to support practitioners to better understand how to recognise and respond to concerns involving the exploitation of adults.
You will learn how organisations and practitioners can adapt their practice to safeguard and support adults at risk of exploitation. The conference will contribute to continued professional development for professionals and volunteers working with adults at risk across a range of sectors. Delegates will be provided with certification to document their attendance at the conference.
Download our conference programme!
The conference will explore forms of exploitation that adults are increasingly at risk from, but in many sectors are rarely discussed. Exploitation is a term used to refer to different types of harm and abuse. In this conference we will be focusing on the following issues:
- Modern Slavery
- Domestic Abuse
- Exploitation in Sport and Activity
- Exploitation and County Lines
- Harassment and Bystander Action
This year, the conference will be followed by the Ann Craft Trust 30th anniversary dinner at the same venue. You will have the option to book a place at the conference, and a place for dinner, on your booking form.
The conference aims to equip practitioners to:
- Increase their confidence to spot the signs of harm and exploitation amongst adults.
- Understand how to respond if they are concerned an adult is at risk of harm and exploitation.
- Increase their confidence to initiate difficult conversations to facilitate early intervention should you suspect someone is at risk of adult exploitation.
- Develop a greater understanding of how adults could become at risk from exploitation.
What did delegates tell us about the Ann Craft Trust Conference in 2021?
I thoroughly enjoyed this conference and I think it was the best one I have attended, so far. I found each speaker completely fascinating, and I was able to take lots back to my workplace’. (Delegate, 2021 ACT Conference)
‘Excellent conference with very knowledgeable and engaging speakers, I will certainly look to be attending next year’. (Delegate, 2021 ACT Conference)
Who Can Attend the Conference?
This conference is for anyone wanting to learn more about adult exploitation.
Anyone could be at risk of exploitation regardless of their age, characteristics and personal circumstances. Therefore, it is vital that all organisations and individuals are aware of how to spot the signs and how to respond. Safeguarding is everyone’s business.
People working in safeguarding, police personnel, health and social care, religious organisations, the third sector, sport and activity and the private sector would all benefit from this event. The conference is suitable for those already in a safeguarding role alongside those with no prior knowledge of exploitation.
If you are unsure if the event is right for you, please get in touch with our friendly team to find out more!
The Venue & Accommodation
The Conference will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nottingham. There is free parking available for delegates at the hotel. The hotel is a ten-minute walk from Nottingham railway station and approximately three-minute walk from the ‘Centre Royal’ tram stop.
Address: Crowne Plaza, Wollaton Street, Nottingham, NG1 5RH, United Kingdom
If you require overnight accommodation, contact the Crowne Plaza and state that you are attending the Ann Craft Trust Conference – they may be able to offer you a cheaper rate than the online price. Alternatively, there are numerous other hotels in walking distance, including a Premier Inn.
The event is £175 per delegate. In light of the rising costs organisations and their staff are facing, we have opted not to increase our conference cost this year. We hope this will allow as many delegates as possible to access the training. The conference rate includes refreshments, lunch, car parking at the venue and access to all sessions on the programme.
Cancellation Policy: If you notify us within 28 days of the course start that you cannot attend, you will not be charged. If you provide less than 28 days notice or do not attend on the day, you will be charged the full course fee. If you are unable to attend, please feel free to nominate a colleague from your organisation, emailing their name and email address 48 hours before the start of the event to ann-craft-trust@nottingham.ac.uk.
Ann Craft Trust 30th Anniversary Dinner
This year, the conference will be followed by the Ann Craft Trust 30th anniversary celebration dinner at the same venue. The dinner will include a:
- Drinks reception
- Three course dinner
- Fundraising raffle
- Live music from the Kit Mason Trio
You can book your place at the celebration alongside your conference place. Alternatively, if you would like to make a group booking for the celebration dinner, you can book a table of 10 at a discounted rate if you book before 21 October 2022. Please contact us at ann-craft-trust@nottingham.ac.uk to book your place or find out more!
Please note that upon invoicing, VAT will be added to the cost of the dinner only. There will be no VAT added to the conference rate. If you have any questions about the conference or anniversary dinner, please do get in touch.