Beating the Virus – Free Accessible Picture Story

Covid 19 learning disabilities

Explaining how to defeat Covid-19 with clear and simple pictures.

To defeat Covid-19, we must stay at home, wash our hands, and limit our contact with others.

Organisations across the country are looking for clear and simple ways to communicate this advice.

Easy Read Online produced an easy-read guide to self-isolation.

Now Beyond Words have produced an accessible picture story called “Beating the Virus”.

Covid 19 Learning Disabilities 2

Starting Conversations

The story will help people understand what to do if you have Coronavirus, and how to keep yourself others safe. It also shows how to safely help others who may be self-isolating.

There is supplementary text at the end of the story that gives information on where people can seek help if they are unwell. It also signposts to other useful resources.

The story should prompt conversations with people with learning disabilities about the virus. Hopefully it’ll empower them to talk about their fears while offering essential reassurance.

The pictures are currently in black and white, but there’ll eventually be a full-colour version.

Download your copy for free here.