An Update on The Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework

Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework

Two years of Uniting the Movement!

Earlier this year we published a quick update on the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework. We looked at how the Framework has progressed since its inception in 2018, along with some changes we were planning since we completed a review in November of last year.

We are now two years into Sport England’s Uniting The Movement strategy. At the same time, we’re marking two years since it became a mandatory requirement for certain sport and activity organisations to work through the Framework. So, it feels like a good time to provide a further update.

A Quick Thank You

First, we would like to thank those who have worked with us on the Framework and to anyone who attended one of our information or peer support sessions. The collective feedback provided was invaluable for our evaluation process.

As of May 2024, 30 organisations have gone through the Framework process. This has been a mixture of APs and NGBs, along with a National Specialist partner. Some of these organisations were first timers, others had completed the process previously. We also recently welcomed our first submission from a Welsh organisation!

The vast majority of Framework submissions are coming through as “Conditionally Met”. This is great, as it shows us that most organisations have committed to their safeguarding adults journey. They are actively engaging with The Ann Craft Trust and opening themselves up to lively discussions about their current work in safeguarding adults, along with any possible room for improvements.

It’s also good to know how many of you approve of the new RAG-rated-style reports.

Working on Making the Framework Even Better

We have been working through our action plan following last year’s review. In addition to the changes we made earlier this year, we can now confirm that we will be asking for a full resubmission to the online portal three years after your initial submission which will be advised following the outcome of your initial assessment. There will also be an interim, check-in chat at the midway point, 18 months after your first submission.

For our early adopters to the Framework we recognise that timings maybe a little out of sync but rest assured, we will be in touch with you individually shortly to organise the next steps.

We have recently updated the Framework FAQs to reflect the above.

We have also updated what the three outcomes mean for your organisation: Not Met, Conditionally Met, and Met. Though we’re sticking with these terms for now, we have provided more information on what they actually mean in practice, and what your next actions should be after you receive your report and outcome.

More News To Come!

We will have more news to share in the Autumn. This will include slight modifications to some of the Framework criteria. However, these will be minimal and will in no way disadvantage those of you who are already involved in the process.

As a reminder, please get yourselves booked in to complete the Framework.

If you’d like to know more about the Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework, we’re running free online information sessions through the year:

In this free online session, we’ll discuss:

  • Your funding requirement to undertake the ACT Safeguarding Adults in Sport Framework
  • What the Framework is, and how it works.
  • How to complete the Framework – including the evidence you’ll need to submit

This is your opportunity to find out more about the framework, ask your questions and support each other.

We’re also running free online peer support sessions. These are an opportunity to discuss the Framework with other sport and activity organisations, to network, ask questions, and support one another throughout the process:

If you have any other questions, or if you’d like to offer any feedback, please feel free to contact us.