At Ann Craft Trust, we have always been very aware of the injustices that many adults face. To tackle this we use our safeguarding expertise to try and change things for the better.

Safeguarding Research Topics

Research is at the core of the Ann Craft Trust. Based at the University of Nottingham, we contribute to research across the UK and EU with a focus on some of the following areas.

Quarterly safeguarding bulletin

The quarterly Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding bulletin is available as a digital download though our website or by free email subscription. The e-bulletin contains news and research about current safeguarding issues alongside the latest Ann Craft Trust news on training events and seminars, with early bird offers for subscribers.

Issue 130: January 2025

In this edition of our quarterly Safeguarding Bulletin:

  • Have your say – Which safeguarding topics shall we cover for Safeguarding Adults Week 2025?
  • Revisiting Safeguarding Adults Week 2024 – seminars, sessions, and other highlights
  • An introduction to fairness-informed care
  • How Safeguarding Audits can help transform the culture in your organisation

Access the latest Ann Craft Trust Safeguarding Bulletin.

Download this issue

Impact of our Research

Our research projects have offered us the opportunity to have a real impact in improving practice throughout the UK and to ensure that all our training is informed and up-to-date.

Development of national guidance

Projects such as the Forced Marriage of People with Learning Disabilities involved the development on national best practice guidance for professionals in relation to dealing with cases of forced marriage.

New and Pioneering Training

The Inclusive Support for Parents with a Learning Disability project culminated in the development and pilot of new targeted training for professionals working in antenatal care to support parents with a learning disability more effectively.

Practice Improvements

Our research into practices in the care of disabled young people and adults have led to improvements to prevent, recognise and report abuse across the UK. Our Whistleblowing project, for example, explored the ethical and practical dilemmas of whistleblowing and how we can encourage and protect those who expose abuse of people with learning disabilities.